Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Simulate the 501'st user in a live webinar on Imagery through WMS

The recorded webinar for Prove it: Can ERDAS Really Deliver Terabytes of Imagery Faster than the Competition?” has been posted to the ERDAS Website at the following URL:

This download contains the webinar recording. The PowerPoint presentation used during the presentation and the LoadRunner Performance Report generated during the presentation that reports on the Servers usage and throughput during the load test will be posted tomorrow.

This webinar demonstrates LIVE an ERDAS APOLLO with a load test running 500 concurrent users on it then live use of a web client using this server (simulates being the 501’st user). It also demonstrates several publicly available web sites that showcase our technology in publicly available web sites.

I had to cut short the questions at the end of the recording and we fielded another 20 minutes of questions that were not recorded (I wanted the recording to be 60 minutes and it ended up 75 because of questions).

I'm going to reproduce the demonstration with 1000 users next time, try and put a heavier load on the server. 37% resource usage is nothing!

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