Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cherokee County, Georgia...the MOST MAPPED SPOT ON EARTH??

For the ERDAS Enterprise Products Public Demo Site, we've been very fortunate to leverage our data vendor business partners and the Cherokee County GIS Team to collect lots of vector, terrain and imagery data for this area of interest and serve this data through our enterprise products. For one, ERDAS global headquarters is in Norcross, Georgia which makes it a close proximity to Cherokee County and second, it's just a pretty nice place (thats went through massive change over the past 10 years).

Lets take an inventory of the data that we've collected:

1. LANDSAT 1, 4-5 and 7 scenes from 1973 - 2008 (multispectral and panchromatic)
2. Digital Ortho Quarter Quads from 1999
3. Airborne 2006 high resolution ortho imagery
4. IKONOS imagery from 2000-2008 (multispectral and panchromatic)
5. USGS Digital raster graphics at 1:24k, 100k and 250K
7. SPOT scenes from 1999-2008 (multispectral and panchromatic)
8. National Land Cover Dataset from 1992 and 2001
9. 2008 Vectors of Roads, Parcels, Land Lots, Zoning, Buildings, etc, etc from Cherokee County Georgia

on and on and on and on....

Note that all of the imagery and terrain is being served from a SINGLE Web Service endpoint (of course you are only gaining access to the public layers by clicking on this).

The vectors are being hosted from an Oracle 11g Database with Spatial Cartridge with no proprietary middleware required or proprietary SDK or proprietary data model, JUST Oracle spatial please!

All of this data over all of these timeframes in one location made me ponder, is Cherokee County Georgia now the MOST MAPPED AREA IN THE WORLD!!!

We are using our business relationships to collect even more data over the area so stay tuned to and see how many "sensors" we can collect over a single area!!

There is some really EXCITING FEATURES coming in the ERDAS APOLLO 2010 release this September so GET READY to see Cherokee County Georgia like you've never seen it before!!!

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